Saturday 30 December 2023

Cosplay Matsui 2024 and Grandmasters Meet Up

The best way to end 2023 is by meeting up with my best friends, JM and Rowen. Our original plan was to attend the second day of the Cosplay Matsuri event. Unfortunately, Rowen and JM were unable to secure tickets, but I was able to purchase one online.

JM arrived at SMX at around 2 PM, and I arrived around 3 PM Rowen mentioned that he would be coming from Tarlac and would join us later.

I went inside the Cosplay event to ensure that my ticket didn't go to waste. I went inside and quickly checked the booths.

There are numerous cosplayers both inside and outside the venue, along with many booths offering anime merchandise, toys, commissioned artworks, prints, and food.

A stage is also set up for the cosplay competition, and next to it is the area for the booths of renowned cosplayers, including Charess, Lia Bear, and others.

I also took photos of random cosplayers at the venue while testing out my new camera.

Due to budget constraints, I bought a few prints from the streamers Chichi and Aster. 

I also had some custom cards signed by Chichi and Lia Bear.

Around 6 PM, JM and I decided to eat at Popeyes because we were both famished. We then proceeded to the Starbucks at Conrad. Rowen arrived around 7 PM because of the traffic.

Just like old times, we stayed there until 10 PM, then went to Roadhouse Manila and watched Caren, from the General Luna Band, perform for an hour.

Before the event, I was able to meet Caren as well as she is a good friend of JM,

We then said our goodbyes, and I had to leave early because I had to work at 3 AM the next day. I arrived at my place around 12:30 AM.

It was a short meeting, but it was pleasant to catch up with my close friends. Hopefully, we can have more gatherings next year.

Photos taken using Canon R8 and Samsung Galaxy Ultra S23

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