Wednesday 6 June 2018

Family Bonding at Tivoli Place

 Last month my sister-in-law gave birth to my nephew and we visited them at Makati Med Hospital to see Baby Zeq in person. My son is also excited to see his cousin and his future buddy. It was also our rest day so we have time and hang out with my family.

My brother and his wife is currently staying in Mandaluyong and we have decided to visit them together with my mom and brother. We didn't know the place and just booked a Grab car and arrived around 4 PM.

Baby Zeq is looks bigger now from last month and Jerrick is very happy to see his cousin.

I always enjoy our family gatherings as since I started having a family, I rarely see my family and spend time with them.

It was a rainy Wednesday and we enjoyed our dinner together. After a few picture taking, we decided to go home to avoid traffic as well. Looking forward for our next family get together.

Photos taken using Nikon D750

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